
Showing posts from 2012

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: November 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an healthy nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in November 2012: Back Strengthening Exercises Jogging Videos: Proper Posture and Technique The Superman Exercise: Easy? The Pushup: Technique and Benefits Plank Exercise: How long can you hold it? Video Testimonial Antonio O., Iron Worker, "My pain was relieved through Euclid Chiropractic, not drugs." Go to Euclid Chiropractic Clinic's You-Tube Channel to see other testim...

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: October 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in October 2012: Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Images "You Can Do it!" Can you do it? Keep Motivated! Attitude before Results! Are Your Thoughts Important? Natural Remedies or Medications/Shots when your Sick? Dr. Ratkovic's Review Medical Approach for the Common Cold Colds and Flu Defined Valuable Foods proven to Resist and Recover from the Common Cold and the Flu (1...

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: September 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in September 2012: Scoliosis Dr. Ratkovic's Discussion 1. Understanding Scoliosis 2. The Medical Approach to Scoliosis 3. The Wellness Chiropractor's Approach to Scoliosis Hydrate with Water Dr. Ratkovic's Discussion 1. Dehydrating and Hydrating Beverages 2. How to Hydrate Through Water and Foods 3. Short and Long-Term Complications of Dehydration Video Testimonials: Je...

Euclid Chiropractic Monthly Newsletter: August 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in August 2012: Women's Health 1. Chiropractic provides Relief for PMS Symptoms 2. Chiropractic Benefits Menopausal Symptoms 3. Alternative Treatments for a Hysterectomy Top Questions to ask If/When you Experience a Car Accident 1. When should I see a Wellness Chiropractor? 2. What Questions will the Chiropractor ask? 3. Do I Need to Retain an Attorney? 4. How am I going to get Myself Healthy? Helping Parents...

Euclid Chiropractic Monthly Newsletter: July 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in July 2012: The Factors of Everyday Health Dr. Ratkovic's Video of Factors 1-3 1. Eating Healthy 2. Exercise 3. Sleep Dr. Ratkovic's Video of Factors 4-6 4. Staying Hydrated 5. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) 6. Healthy Nervous System (HNS) What Our Patients are Saying... Sonja L., "Leg tingling and numbness gone in 3 weeks! Thank you Euclid Chiropractic!" Mr. Haney: "Neck Pain and Diab...

Euclid Chiropractic Monthly Newsletter: June 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health.  Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in June 2012: The Rise of Prescription Medications Dr. Ratkovic's Video Is the U.S. being Over-medicated? Near-death Experience from Medications: Hermann and Bertha Do Drug Commercials Educated or Manipulated Americans? CNN's Dr. Gupta M.D. explains the Death Toll caused by Medications The Most Viewed Recent Articles (Including discussion by Dr. Ratkovic) Dr. Ratkovic asks, "What do YOU Believe ...

Euclid Chiropractic Monthly Newsletter: May 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in May 2012: Your Diet Keeps You Healthy Dr. Ratkovic's Video Eating Healthy for your Health Keep Healthy through Probiotics instead of Antibiotics Do artificial sweeteners do you harm? Is there a better choice? The Importance of Water Dr. Ratkovic's Video Complications of Dehydration Do Your Beverages Dehydrate You? Hydrate Through Your Foods! The Health Benefits of Coconuts Dr. Ratkovic's Video Ar...

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic: April 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in April 2012: Top 3 Neck and Upper Back Exercises:  Dr. Ratkovic's Video #1: Upper Trapezius Stretch #2: Wall Pushup #3: Pull Downs Understanding the Medical Approach to Scoliosis Medical or Chiropractic Approach? Effectiveness of School Scoliosis Screenings The Surgical Approach to Scoliosis and Complications The Wellness Chiropractor's Approach to Scoliosis Scoliosis Explained Through Chiropractic ...

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic Newsletter: March 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in March 2012: Current Vaccine Awareness Dr. Ratkovic discusses The Vaccine Legislation Removing Parent Right to Choose Review of Last Year's New "No Shot, No School" Policy AB2109: Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE) for Vaccinations No Longer Valid Top 3 Low Back Exercises Dr. Ratkovic discusses the Benefits and his Videos Demonstrating Low Back Exercises Anterior Hip Stretch Planking The Superman Re...

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic Newsletter: February 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in February 2012: Resolving Low Back Pain Dr. Ratkovic discusses Returning Health to the Back and the Body Causes of Low Back Pain The Medical Approach to Low Back Pain The Chiropractic and Wellness Approach to Low Back Pain Restoring a Healthy Shoulder Dr. Ratkovic discusses How to Heal the Shoulder and Sustain Health Causes of Shoulder Pain The Medical Approach to Shoulder Pain The Wellness Chiropractor's ...

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic Monthly Newletter: January 2012 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in January 2012: Chiropractic Restores Spinal Motion and Health Dr. Ratkovic's Intro Video Normal Joint Motion Keeps YOU Healthy (Video) Limited Joint Motion is Unhealthy (Video) Chiropractic Restores Spinal Joint Motion, Restores Overall Health (Video) Resolving Neck Pain through Chiropractic Dr. Ratkovic's Intro Video The Causes of Neck Pain How to Correctly Diagnose Neck Pain The Medical Approach to Neck...

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic Monthly Newletter: December 2011 Edition

Our Euclid Chiropractic Clinic newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. Our mission is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health. Through mainstream media and medicine, Chiropractors have been boxed in as providers of neck and back pain treatment. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an optimal nervous system. Here are the topics (and hyperlinks) covered in December 2011: Health Comes from Lifestyle, Not Genetics Dr. Ratkovic's Intro Video 1. Human and Animals are VERY Similar 2. Research Validating Lifestyle as the Primary Factor Contributing to Health 3. In his Video, Dr. James Chestnut Explains "Why We Are So Sick!" (Video) 4. Accurately Defining Health and Sickness in the Wellness & Prevention Paradigm DIABETES: What Most Medical Doctors Won...