
Showing posts from October, 2015

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: September 2015

Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an healthy nervous system. Here are the Health Videos in September 2015: 1. Chiropractors Correct Subluxations...what are they? See the detailed articles 2. After a Car Accident: A Rare Chiropractic X-Ray Analysis to Prevent Pain/Arthritis See the detailed articles 3. Forward Head Posture Analysis by Dr. Ratkovic See the detailed articles 4. A True-Story of a Patient's Pain Recovery and X-ray Correction after a Car Accident And the Testimonies/Recommendations 1. Sue and Cameron: Sue can work like she is in ther 30's; Cameron has no headaches. 2. Jesse and dad Caesar, "Chiropractic for Kids and Athletes." 3. Robert G, "I would not be able to work without Euclid Chiropractic." Go to Euclid Chiropractic's You-Tube Channel to see other testimonials and health videos. C...