
Showing posts from November, 2015

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: October 2015

The Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature. We hope these videos help explain recovery from conditions you and/or friends may be experiencing. Here are the Health Videos in October 2015 : A True Story of Pain Recovery and Spine Corrected after a Car Accident The Chiropractic Adjustment Demonstrated with Loud Pops Helping Patients Reduce Pain Medication Use Brave Patient Testimonials- Thank you! Robert, "I take care of my I can support my family." Peggy, "The doctors at Euclid Chiropractic practice what they preach." Joe's Nerve and Leg Pain Recovery with improved X-ray Go to Euclid Chiropractic's You-Tube Channel to see other testimonials and health videos. Calendar of Events for September: 17th : Monthly Lecture at The Gibson Center Monthly Lecture - "How to Strengthen your Back and Hips." (909) 920-6719. 12:30...