
Showing posts from October, 2016

11/1: Dr. Ratkovic speaks at Upland High School

Throughout the year, Euclid Chiropractic is invited speak in our surrounding community to promote health.   Today, Dr. Ratkovic speaks to Upland High School Students whom have an emphasis in the health sciences.   Our goal is to prepare the students with the necessary attitude and characteristics to withstand the rigor of schooling required to become a healthcare professional.   Go to our post for the individual videos to help these students.

How to find a SAFE Chiropractor

Through this video, understand how Chiropractic (vs medical treatments) is the SAFEST therapy for spinal conditions.  AND when an x-ray is performed and analyzed, the safest type of Chiropractic care takes place.  Read the specific risk percentages and references in our post: Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from these specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.

Maxwell: Re-enlisting as an Army Ranger

Maxwell is re-enlisting as an Army Ranger.  We appreciate your dedication to protect our country. Now that Maxwell's back pain has resolved through Chiropractic, he has been able to return to extreme physical training to re-enlist.

10/29: OPEN this Saturday 8:30-10:30

Open 8:30-10:30.  Appointments recommended, but not required. Hope to see you then.  

The Hardest Step of Exercise: STARTING

Anytime humans change habits (especially for the better), it is not easy. With exercise, your body maybe sore and tired for a few weeks, THEN as your internal physiology changes for the better you will feel better. Stick with it and after 4-6 weeks, I promise. Everyone is at a unique state of health. Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.

10/26: Dr. Ratkovic speaks at Win-Networking, Inc.

With Chiropractic recently in the news, Dr. Ratkovic will discuss how to make Chiropractic SAFE for patients. Also, how a healthy nervous system WILL help you succeed in your personal and professional life.   Location: Mimi's Cafe in Upland   Date/time: Wednesday October 26th, 12:30-1pm   Cost to attend and RSVP Here

Vicky's X-ray/Spine/Posture Analysis after suffering Neuropathy

The Chiropractic Approach to Neuropathy/Pain recovery includes an initial posture and x-ray analysis.  The medical approach, as seen with Vicky, is common to progress from drugs to shots to surgery.  Go the post to watch the full video and Vicky's story:  

10/22: CLOSED this Saturday

We will be closed this Saturday Oct. 22nd.   For emergencies, please call Dr. Ratkovic   909-969-3056

10/18: Understanding Sources of Neck and Headaches-Gibson Center

Topic: Understanding Sources of Neck and Headaches   Location: 250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786 Gibson Center in downtown Upland, CA (909) 981-4501   Time: Oct. 18th, 12:30. Lasting 45 minutes.     Dr. Ratkovic will explained the structural causes of neck pain and headaches that can occur build up, then occur with no reason.   Handouts provided. No cost to attend. RSVP recommended.

"I am a believer."-Sam

Sam had a car accident resulting in pain in his back and neck.  He had an exam and x-rays, then Chiropractic treatment.  Watch Sam tell his story... Here's the details in the post:

10/15: OPEN this Saturday

We will be open 8:30-10:30. Please RSVP Friday by 5:30 when we close.

The Walk: Best Posture Exercise

When performed properly, this EVERYDAY movement can keep you healthy.   Every person's health is at a unique state. Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.

Mike-100% Neck Posture Recovery by Restoring Spine Curve

Mike talks about having pain for 10+ years with no relief from medications and physical therapy.  The next step was possible surgery.   Mike had x-rays taken before and after treatment.   To understand WHY and HOW Mike is 100%, go to our post:   Mike told his story of recovery in this video. Here it is:   Every person's health is at a unique state.     Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.  

10/10: OPEN for Columbus Day. Book Now

Open on Columbus Day 8:30-11:30; 2-6:30 Call for an appointment time: 909-981-5666 or book on-line:

Vicky's Neck spine Pain posture recovery

Vicky had suffered from ear/neck pain for about a year.  After medications and procedures with no recovery, her medical doctors were ready to puncture her ear. Watch and read her full story of recovery... Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.

The Effects of Proper Treatment @Gibson Center Talk Sept. 2016

This short clip from a recent talk explains how treatment should return your CONFIDENCE to stay health... Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain.

10/7: CLOSED this Saturday

We will be closed this Saturday For emergencies, do not hesitate to call/text Dr. Ratkovic 909-969-3056 cl

Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: October 2016

Here is your monthly subscription of our health articles, videos and testimonials.  Our October 2016 Newsletter Any questions how to help you become a healthier person, please ask the doctors on your next visit.  Thank you for sharing this with your friends and family.