
Showing posts from April, 2017

Modified Bridge for Back Strength

Strengthen your Back on your back with the Bridge. Watch the 3 modifications that slowly increase your back strengthen.  The detailed steps and similar exercises in our post: Chiropractors serving Upland, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities. Changing Health from the Inside Out.

Edsvin P., "I feel refreshed when leaving the office."

  "The chiropractor has helped me in my recovery. Every time I have had strenuous day of work, or a workout, I would pop right into the office and (more at...)

Importance of Video to Educate Patients

Dr. Ratkovic spoke @ San Antonio HS website design class. At this talk the students get real-life experience through Euclid Chiropractic's website critique.  This clip: video education.  Full video here: Chiropractors serving Upland, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities. Changing Health from the Inside Out.

How to Check your Low Back Motion

All motions should be full and pain-free to have a healthy back. If not, see the detailed steps and solutions BEFORE having a spinal condition: Chiropractors serving Upland, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities. Changing Health from the inside out. 

Danny's Story of Back/Spine Pain Recovery

Danny's second time coming to our office he was patient to feel better AND see the x-ray improvement. Watch how is x-rays improved and his detailed story on our post: Chiropractors serving Upland, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Part 6 of 6: Parasympathetic Relax Nerve Response for Health

In this last part of normal motion to health loop, understand how to stay healthy through the parasympathetic relaxed nerves to stay healthy.  Parts 1-5, full video, and details in our post: Chiropractors serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Back Pain & Neuropathy Recovery - Danny's Case

Danny spine (via x-ray) had limited motion causing disc space narrowing.  Watch his spinal recovery and quality of life improve.  This post explains the details: Enjoy a Complimentary consultation from these specialists and recover from nerve, spine, and muscle pain. Enjoy Health from the Inside Out. Chiropractors serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Shantal's Accident/Back Pain Recovery

Shantal felt back pain weeks after an accident.  She knew something was wrong.  Watch her story of recovery.  Full back story and related articles on our post: Chiropractors serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Part 5 of MHL: Chronic Sympathetic and Recovery Story

In part 5 Dr. Ratkovic explains how a person in a chronic sympathetic state can cause the body to have medical conditions.   The second part of the videos have a patient's recovery story. Details and links to the parts 1-4 and full video on our post: Enjoy Health from the Inside Out. Chiropractors serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Sitting Posture Checklist

So what is good sitting posture?  Follow the 30 second checklist and in a few weeks it will become your routine.  Our post has the specific steps of correct sitting posture: Chiropractic serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Carlos, "I went back to work like a champ."

"To all my brothers (and sisters) these guys are very professional and reliable.  I had lower back pain and I took time off to fix it.  It was worth it. "I went back to work like a champ." --Carlos S.

Part 4: LESS Spinal Motion leads to STRESS Hormone Release

The sympathetic nerves is your stress response.  This activates when there is less motion, and then releases stress hormones.  Details, part 1-3 and full video on this post: Chiropractic serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.

Scar Tissue: Origin and Prevention

The cause of scar tissue formation, how to break it up, and long term results.  For the full description of this video go to our post: Chiropractic serving Upland, Ontario, Claremont, Cucamonga, Ontario and surrounding communities.