Euclid Chiropractic Weekly (4/30)

This week's theme:

The Chiropractic Adjustment

The "How" of Chiropractic


Reposition the vertebra to take pressure off of the nerve and you will get sick people well.”-C.S. Gonstead


Chiropractic without specificity is nothing.” – B.J. Palmer


A specific, Chiropractic adjustment removes Subluxations returning the body to optimal health.

Read on to understand the "How" of Chiropractic.

What is the Popping/Cracking Sound with an Adjustment? (Video) (4/25)

THE ADJUSTMENT of the neck and back, when appropriate, moves the space between the bones of the spine.  This releases gaseous pressure in the joint space causing the popping sound.  Similar to when someone pops their knuckles.


The Chiropractic Adjustment Demonstrated and Explained by Dr. Conrad (Video) (2/27)

The benefits mentioned are increased back and neck extension, better balance and symmetry of the throughout the spine and reducing the symptoms such as pain associated with subluxations.


Chiropractic Adjustments remove Subluxations (Video) (4/29)

The link demonstrates effects of subluxations on the spine: health issues of the body being effected.

This video through CPB, inc. shows the effect of subluxations on the neck spine leading to arthritis.


Nancy K.: "The doctors were not sure they could help..." (Video) (4/28)

"By adhering to everything the doctors told me to do, I am in good shape today."


Chiropractic philosophy understands our  internal energy drives the body to function optimally, so wellness can be sustained and fully expressed.

Chiropractic adjustments removes nerve interference (subluxations) restoring the natural flow of the internal energy in our body to make one healthy.

Chiropractic Philosophy is for Everyone!

Get checked at Euclid Chiropractic Clinic

Find out if a Chiropractic Adjustment will bring wellness in your life!


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