Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: September 2016

Our mission at Euclid Chiropractic is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health.


Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an healthy nervous system.

Here are the educational videos and testimonials covered in August 2016:


Fix Hunchback Posture: 3 Best Exercises

These 3 best exercises for hunchback posture are simple and can be done anywhere to fix poor posture.

See link to each detailed exercise in the video or description below.

Watch Now


Peggy's Cure for Headaches and Spine Pain

Peggy refused medicine for her problems. Instead she saw a Chiropractor to fix her headaches and spine pain.

Watch if it worked...

Watch Now


Hand Neuropathy Tingling, Numbness, Pain-Causes and Treatment

Hand tingling, numbness and pain has several causes when not from injury.
Your spine runs nerves to the hands and can be the source of the problem.

Watch Now and understand how this occurs and is resolved.


Steps to Getting off the Floor: Prevention & Exercises

Dr. Ratkovic speaks at Pacifica Senior Living who want to maintain or regain their independence. The post-talk comments from attendees express the gratitude for helping them understand how to strengthen their bodies to maintain their physical health.

Watch Now


Doug: Back and Spine Relief

Doug has enjoyed Euclid Chiropractic for almost 5 years.

He knows what to do when you has pain, and spreads the word to friends and family.

Watch Now


Better Balance Workshop

Balance is a keep component to avoiding injury, and it starts with spinal joint motion.

Watch the video and learn how to retrain your balance in these simple steps.

Watch Now

Calendar of Events:

9/20: Solutions for Leg Neuropathy and Restless Leg Syndrome (Repeat) 

Location: Gibson Senior Center  250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786 

RSVP optional:  909-981-4581    Time: 12:30-1:15


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Go to Our YouTube Channel shows the current and past wellness videos and testimonials.

Do not keep us a secret.

Your friend's health is just as important.

Spread The Word

Euclid Chiropractic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666


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