Top 3 Chiropractic CONCERNS
These concerns, or as I call them anxieties , usually prevent someone from seeing a Chiropractor. And sometimes, stops the person from starting Chiropractic care after they realize they need it. Let’s see what they are and how our office has been able to ease these fears over the years. #1: “I don’t want you to break my neck.” Who hasn’t seen an action movie that involves the twisting of a neck and instantaneous eternal sleep (death)? Scary, right? ONLY in the Movies !!! Approximately 2-5 new patients per year have this permanently scared in their brain and refuse to at least give it a try. With the use of x-ray , exam and health history you have a better probability of getting a stroke from a scary movie than a chiropractic adjustment. The “ popping sound ” of the adjustment is the release of joint pressure similar to the feel and sound of your knuckle popping. The initial muscle relaxation alone after your first neck adjustment is usually enough to break this anxiety . #2: “...
I have bilateral optical neuropathy. It can't be cured because of a stroke. However, adjustments from Dr. Tony helps me keep the vision I have without excessive blurring. It apparently opens the tear ducts so that dry eyes is not as severe.