Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: December 2017

For our newsletter consistent readers, we hope the videos and articles keep you motivated to stay healthy.

For our new readers, we educate our patients that want to learn why and how to start and keep healthy habits.

Here are the articles, testimonials, talks covered in November 2017:

Posture Exercises

Low Back Roll Exercise for Pain Relief and Improved Posture

This stretch loosens the lower back as you relax lying down.  Then the muscles relax allowing a deeper ligament stretch of the spine.

The Modified Chair Squat Exercise to Build Back Strength

Looking to improve your back strength?  Here is a great exercise to also help your posture.

Short Highlights

Child/Teenage Stress: Myth-Medication is the First Option. Short Clip.

Norina Murphy, MSW, LCSW explains the myth that seeing a psychiatrist requires taking medication.

 Spinal Motion keep You Healthy, Resolves Neuropathy. Clip

This is how chiropractic works.

Stress Solutions and Normal Behavior with Norina, LCSW. Clip

Norina explains normal behavior for a child/teenager.  This will help parents remove any anxiety if their child is healthy.

Child Physical Health Training Should be Required. Here is Why. Clip.

Child Development requires joint motion and sensory training.  This can occur in playing sports and controlled training as in a club and gym.

Interviews (On the Crooked Spine Show Podcast)

CSP 010: Crunch Fitness manager Brian Interview: Making Fitness Easy, then a Habit.

When a club or gym keeps business costs down and pass their savings to their members, this can help build that health habit.


Learning to Care in Healthcare @ Career Day, Upland HS. Oct. '17.

I explain building the confidence to work hard toward a career/vocation, and the characteristics and experience needed if they choose a healthcare career.

Local Business On-line Marketing Now. Talk w/ Claremont Students-Part 1: Spring '17

I work to guide them how to find clients for these websites by explaining what a business owner is looking for.

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Euclid Chiropractic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666


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