Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: April '18 by Upland Claremont Cucamonga Chiropractor

⬆Hope you liked the introduction video⬆

I. Here are the articles, testimonials, talks from March '17 :

To get the detailed links, go to our original post: 

The Clips.

We need to break this scar tissue, even if painful, before it becomes permanent.

Music to Fight Stress/Building Confidence

How Irritated Nerves cause Pain, Headaches.

Living in a Stress State

Crooked Spine Show Podcast Videos

Enjoying Music for Talent & Therapy w/ Monica of Music Tree Schools

My monthly talk explains how chiropractic care works.

CSP 018: Mindful Movement with Christy Jones

Balance Recovery. Talk @Gibson Jan.

Chiropractic Education

Hear the Pops Up Close. Chiropractic Adjustment Relief

How to Prevent Spinal Arthritis in the Lower Back

Fix Knee Pain. Simple Exercise.


Low Back Pain. Robert's Recovery Review

Learn more on our YouTube Channel. 

Don't forget about our podcast: The Crooked Spine Show

on iTunes / Facebook

I. Events

17th: "Getting up from the Floor. The Steps"  Location: Gibson Senior Center.  250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786. RSVP optional @909-981-4581. Time: 12:30-1:15pm

24th: "Pain comes from your Nerves."  In-office workshop.  6:30-7:15.  Handouts provided.

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Do not keep us a secret.

Your friend's health is just as important.

Spread The Word

Euclid Chiropractic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666

Book Appointments On-line

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Email  / YouTube / Facebook / instagram / iTunes



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