Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: May '18 by Upland Claremont Cucamonga Chiropractor

In March, we are still getting the 90s and 50s degrees weather.  Enjoy Both!

Thank you for sharing these newsletter with friends & family, so they know their local chiropractor.

I. Here are the articles, testimonials, talks from March '17 :

🔥Go to original post on our website to play videos of the images⤵️

(Click image to play video, or the playlist to see specific YouTube category).

The Clips & YT Playlist

Your Habits Help or Hurt You

Your Body Stressed by your Foods

Hair Reflects your Health with Lisa

Women's Self Defense. Jessica's Best Advice


Chiropractic Education & YT Playlist

First Adjustment Reaction. Stephen


 Does Improved Posture Make you Happier -by Frey Guerra

X-ray Analysis Before Low Back Treatment

April '18 New Patient Workshop: How your Nerves Control Health

Health & Wellness Talk on the Celina Celeste Show

My Bloopers, Outtakes at Baldy View ROP -Being Genuine

Vertigo & Dizziness Relief

Crooked Spine Show Podcast Videos & YT Playlist 

New Patient Workshop March '18 (LIVE)

  Using Mentor. Goal Setting @ Foothill Family Shelter

Hair Tips for Health and Beauty with Lisa

Relax the Body by Exercise and  Nutrition @Foothill Family Shelter

Women and Girls: Fighting Sexual Harassment with Jessica

Reviews and YT Playlist

Review by Edward Bess

Sleeping Better. More Energy.  Deanna's Review (LIVE).

Back Pain Relief.  Jamie's Review (LIVE)

"I feel no more back pain." Giovanni, 14 y/o (LIVE).

Back Pain Gone. No Surgery. Review by David

Low Back Pain Relief.  Review by Pete (LIVE)

Leg, Knee, Back Pain Relief.  Mom tells the story (LIVE)

Learn more on our YouTube Channel. 

Don't forget about our podcast: The Crooked Spine Show

on iTunes / Facebook

I. Events

15th: "Getting up from the Floor. The Steps" & "Hip/Knee Surgery Help" Location: Gibson Senior Center.  250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786. RSVP optional @909-981-4581. Time: 12:30-1:15pm

22th: "Chiropractor help your Nerves, then Relief."  In-office workshop.  6:30-7:15.  Handouts provided.

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Do not keep us a secret.

Your friend's health is just as important.

Spread The Word

Euclid Chiropractic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666

Book Appointments On-line

Ask a question?

Email  / YouTube / Facebook / instagram / iTunes


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