15th:"Getting up from the Floor. The Steps" & "Hip/Knee Surgery Help" Location: Gibson Senior Center. 250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786. RSVP optional @909-981-4581. Time: 12:30-1:15pm
22th: "Chiropractor help your Nerves, then Relief." In-office workshop. 6:30-7:15. Handouts provided.
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This article was written by Herman Dunn, on our behalf to avoid bias. We have all been indoctrinated into the medical model, and few of us have much understanding of chiropractic procedures. Each is distinct, and it is important to know the difference if you wish to make intelligent health care choices. Allow me to explain further. First of all, let me make it clear that Chiropractic is not better than Medicine nor vice versa – they are just different. The practice of medicine saves lives! We need to know the truth about it, however, in order to use it appropriately. If we view the scale of our state of health as a range from perfect health to extreme sickness, we can distinguish the focus of Chiropractic from the focus of Medicine and clearly see the difference between the two. Medicine is primarily concerned with the sickness end of the scale, and the Medical Doctors are expert at identifying and treating illness. Chiropractic Doctors foc...
The next article posting will occur Monday April 5th. Would love to hear your comments and questions from all the articles below. Your FEEDBACK is valuable and appreciated. Dr. T Something new: Below is a video testimonial. Going to add this to our website and would like any feedback. Susan C.'s Testimonial
My office has done over a dozen follow up x-rays for Scoliosis throughout January. These patients’ ages range from 6-24 years old. Seeing the mostly positive results from the patient’s first and second x-rays, reiterates why we treat this disease. This is an article written two years ago by our office to help parents understand Scoliosis: How do I know if my child or I have Scoliosis? Scoliosis is defined as having an abnormal curve of the spine when looking at someone from the front or back. Although it specifically related to the bone structure seen on an x-ray of the back, scoliosis can be detected by muscle imbalances and postural irregularities. Many factors can lead to scoliosis. Inheritance plays a significant role, but other factors such as diet and abnormal physical stresses will also play a role. Scoliosis is most distinct during the rapid growth stage of 8 years old until 22, when eventually the bo...
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