
Showing posts from February, 2010

Look and Feel Great with "PHENOMENAL" POSTURE

What is good posture anyway and why is it so important? Basically posture refers to the body's alignment and positioning with respect to the ever-present force of gravity. Whether we are standing, sitting or lying down gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles. Good posture entails distributing the force of gravity through our body so no one structure is overstressed . Having correct posture not only affects the way you look to others, but also good posture passes along many health benefits. These Health Benefits allow your organs, circulation and movement to functional at a most favorable level.  In contrast, improper sitting or standing allows the opposite to occur. Here are a plethora of guaranteed health benefits to living longer and happier . Minimize your risk of permanent neck and back problems . Ensure that your joints don't wear abnormally, which can lead to Arthritis . Be able to use your muscles more efficiently, because your bones and j...

Top 3 Chiropractic CONCERNS

These concerns, or as I call them anxieties , usually prevent someone from seeing a Chiropractor. And sometimes, stops the person from starting Chiropractic care after they realize they need it. Let’s see what they are and how our office has been able to ease these fears over the years. #1: “I don’t want you to break my neck.” Who hasn’t seen an action movie that involves the twisting of a neck and instantaneous eternal sleep (death)? Scary, right? ONLY in the Movies !!! Approximately 2-5 new patients per year have this permanently scared in their brain and refuse to at least give it a try. With the use of x-ray , exam and health history you have a better probability of getting a stroke from a scary movie than a chiropractic adjustment. The “ popping sound ” of the adjustment is the release of joint pressure similar to the feel and sound of your knuckle popping. The initial muscle relaxation alone after your first neck adjustment is usually enough to break this anxiety . #2: “...

What type of Therapies will Help your Knee Pain?

Ouch! Your knee hurts . What causes the knee injuries? A fall while skiing or gradually increasing pain with your type of Work? Lastly, what type of rehab should you do? Let’s answer these questions right now. Which Case are YOU ? Case 1: Long-term Knee Pain Patient has a work history that requires repetitive squatting and climbing stairs. The knee pain has increased gradually and has started to affect the ability to walk normally. The patient should have minimal knee pain and minor instability. Upon exam and x-ray , the patient presents with mild swelling and a grinding feeling around the knee joint. The patient will have full range of the knee, but pain going from a seated to a standing position. The knee x-rays may show some joint space lose because of arthritis or cartilage loss. Short-term Rehab : In-office rehab is prudent for most recoveries. First, the pain should be reduced through Ultrasound (an inflammation reducing physical therapy machine) and icing. Sur...

Your Child with Scoliosis

My office has done over a dozen follow up x-rays for Scoliosis throughout January.  These patients’ ages range from 6-24 years old.  Seeing the mostly positive results from the patient’s first and second x-rays, reiterates why we treat this disease. This is an article written two years ago by our office to help parents understand Scoliosis: How do I know if my child or I have Scoliosis?     Scoliosis is defined as having an abnormal curve of the spine when looking at someone from the front or back.  Although it specifically related to the bone structure seen on an x-ray of the back, scoliosis can be detected by muscle imbalances and postural irregularities.      Many factors can lead to scoliosis.  Inheritance plays a significant role, but other factors such as diet and abnormal physical stresses will also play a role.  Scoliosis is most distinct during the rapid growth stage of 8 years old until 22, when eventually the bo...

Help! Do I use Ice or Heat!

Over my years of practice, our patients frequently use ice and heat improperly to reduce pain. Purpose of both Ice and Heat Ice : used to reduce swelling or inflammation by slowing down blood flow. It can reduce pain by dulling or numbing the injured area, but it is not primarily a pain reducer. Heat : increases blood flow which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove waste. It relaxes healthy muscles, reducing pain. Patient in acute, intense pain says, “Hey, but heat feels better!” Doctor: “Yes and it promotes more swelling and pain. Ice it for now. ” Have you sprained an ankle in the past? You automatically use ice to reduce swelling. I doubt your first instinct would be a heating pad. Treating the Spine The problem with acute back or neck pain is the non-visible swelling that occurs in the spine versus the superficial ankle joint, for example. By reducing the swelling with ice on the back or neck, you reduce the inflammation in the soft tissue as well as diminis...