What type of Therapies will Help your Knee Pain?

Ouch! Your knee hurts. What causes the knee injuries? A fall while skiing or gradually increasing pain with your type of Work? Lastly, what type of rehab should you do? Let’s answer these questions right now.

Which Case are YOU?
Case 1: Long-term Knee Pain

Patient has a work history that requires repetitive squatting and climbing stairs. The knee pain has increased gradually and has started to affect the ability to walk normally. The patient should have minimal knee pain and minor instability.

Upon exam and x-ray, the patient presents with mild swelling and a grinding feeling around the knee joint. The patient will have full range of the knee, but pain going from a seated to a standing position. The knee x-rays may show some joint space lose because of arthritis or cartilage loss.

Short-term Rehab: In-office rehab is prudent for most recoveries. First, the pain should be reduced through Ultrasound (an inflammation reducing physical therapy machine) and icing. Surgery for arthritis in the knee is NOT recommended because of the study by Veteran Affairs in 2002 that found patient’s knee pain was reduced more by rehab than surgery.

Case 2: Immediate Knee Pain

Patient falls awkwardly while running, skiing, etc. The patient feels a pop and pain immediately. The pain increases over the first few hours and it is difficult to stand and put weight on the injured leg.

Upon exam and x-ray, the patient presents with severe swelling around the knee and all ranges of motion cause pain. X-rays will usually show normal joint space and no arthritis according to age of the patient. In severe cases, a fracture (where a ligament tears pulling a piece of bone) may be visible on the x-ray.

Short-term Rehab: The swelling must be reduced with ice and/ or an anti-inflammatory. Once some motion is recovered as the swelling reduces, Ultrasound can be effective to reduce more swelling and pain. If this treatment is NOT effective in allowing to patient to put full weight on the injured leg, a Surgical Consultation should be warranted to repair any ligament damage seen via a MRI.

Rehab Long-term for both cases
Once the knee attains pain-free and full range of motion, weight-bearing stress and stretching should be initiated. First with no lateral motion, then add side-to-side motion slowly. Icing should still be warranted especially with some pain.

The Knee is a complex joint. When one experiences pain, instability or popping in the knee an exam is warranted to stop any future damage that may occur.

To attain a FREE exam and consultation regarding knee injuries, contact us at:

email us: euclidchiropracticinc@yahoo.com
(909) 981-5666


  1. My father's job, over the years, requires him to kneel for hours. He is in his mid-50's and his problems walking was getting worse until he came to Euclid Chiropractic. Now his walking has improved and I am getting care for my Scoliosis.
    Thank you


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