Look and Feel Great with "PHENOMENAL" POSTURE

What is good posture anyway and why is it so important? Basically posture refers to the body's alignment and positioning with respect to the ever-present force of gravity.

Whether we are standing, sitting or lying down gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles. Good posture entails distributing the force of gravity through our body so no one structure is overstressed.

Having correct posture not only affects the way you look to others, but also good posture passes along many health benefits. These Health Benefits allow your organs, circulation and movement to functional at a most favorable level.  In contrast, improper sitting or standing allows the opposite to occur.

Here are a plethora of guaranteed health benefits to living longer and happier.
  • Minimize your risk of permanent neck and back problems.
  • Ensure that your joints don't wear abnormally, which can lead to Arthritis.
  • Be able to use your muscles more efficiently, because your bones and joints will be in the correct alignment.
  • Prevent your spine from becoming fixed in an abnormal position. This can lead to constricted blood vessels and nerves; problems with muscles, discs and joints; headaches, fatigue and even problems with organs and breathing.
  • Put less stress on the ligaments and muscles holding the spine's joints together, helping avoid injury.
  • Prevent avoidable Surgery!

For a Free postural examination, and consultation with either Dr. Weaver or
Dr. Ratkovic, please contact our office at:

email us: euclidchiropracticinc@yahoo.com
(909) 981-5666


  1. Thank you for this post. Look like you wrote post to describe me. I can attest to having health problems from bath posture.
    At 32, along with my shoulders hunching forward I experience shortness of breath and periods of anxiety. Through a series of treatments with the doctors these "medical health problems" have dissipated and my life feels less stressed. Chiropractic works in so many ways.
    -Sarah S.


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