Childrens' Health: Forcast by Federal Concensus

Taking care of a child’s well-being is at the heart of every parent, guardian, relative or friend. In the midst of a national recession with no end in sight, people are more conscious where they spend their dollars.

And as unemployment continues to hit historic highs, parents, out of work and no health insurance benefits, are desperate and forced to cut back keeping their children healthy. University of Miami pediatric and psychology professor Daniel Armstrong thinks children's overall health will deteriorate in this economy.

Here are a few predictions for leading forecasts:
  • Less prenatal checkups leading to complications
  • Increase in pre-term births and low weight infants
  • A rise in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
  • Infant and child hospital stays lengthened due to less pediatric checkups
  • Increase in dental decay with parents unable to pay for dental care
  • Children development failing because they are unable to attend special therapies or attain medications for asthma, ADHD, diabetes, etc.
  • Rise in Type II Juvenile Diabetes
  • Decrease mental health of children suffering from depression, migraines and the Stress the economy has put on the American Family
  • Heavier teenage drinking
  • Increasing teen age pregnancies
  • Rising teen age suicide

The most concerning statistic regarding Childrens Health:
‘First time in history a generation of children has a LOWER LIFE EXPECTANCY than their parents.’

PART 2: How to educate yourself to get the RIGHT HEALTH CARE our children deserve

To answer your concerns about keeping your child healthy before next month, contact Dr. Weaver or Dr. Ratkovic at:
email us:
(909) 981-5666


  1. Wow! Didn't realize it has become such an epidemic for unhealthy children. I hope part 2 gives me as a parent some nuggets of how to help my child beat these statistics. I want to do whatever I can to keep them healthy for the future.

  2. Thanks for the interest. Just shot the video for part 2 today! An advocate for children nutrition spoke about specific statistics and how we can start looking into healthier choices NOW for our children. Will do a Preview on Facebook when the video has been edited.


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