Chiropractic Attitude: Chiropractors as Healers

Part One: The Surface
Chiropractors, as a profession, are viewed by the general public as healers of back and neck pain.  To attain your license, you must pass exams which show your competency in the medical sciences and patient exams.  But is that IT
NO WAY!  The start of bone doctors in America, Chiropractors, is over 100 years old.  It has survived persecution and jail time to keep our profession alive, before becoming licensed.   

It is through the PHILOSOPHY OF CHIROPRACTIC these doctors (B.J. Palmer being the founder) have worked passionately to affect the human body to work at its peak level. 
One Quote that describes Chiropractic Philosophy states,  

“The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body.”
What does that mean?  Let’s break it down:
            “The Power that Made the Body”: our body has innate intelligence, spirit, being, etc. (not our brain) which controls our physical development from conception until when we die.  This intelligence performs this by using the NERVOUS SYSTEM (brain and spinal cord) to send POWER or ENERGY.  Science measures this energy as electricity running throughout our body.
            “Heals the Body”:  According to Gray’s Anatomy, the ultimate scientific guide in understanding the body, the Nervous System controls and regulates ALL FUNCTIONS of the body.  Functions include muscles, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, arteries… EVERYTHING!  For example, innate intelligence powers our body to heal a cut on your hand, while a dead person’s hand would keep an open wound. 
So when you summarize the above quote used to describe Chiropractic Philosophy, it allows Innate Intelligence to keep ALL PARTS of the Body functioning at OPTIMUM levels through FREE NERVE FLOW.
Deeper explanation and examples to come in part 2
To get a one-on-one explanation of the Philosophy of Chiropractic with our doctors, contact us at:


  1. So this is why my energy levels are much better when I come in regularly for my adjustments. I think implementing this attitude in my chiropractic care would have been very helpful in understanding why I just feel "better" even when I am not in pain.


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