Building Trust at Euclid Chiropractic Clinic (REVISITED)
Here is post from last year. With the large number of new patients recently, I have interviewed some of them for office quality control. And, as I was hoping, we getting similar answers. Here is the article (revisited): Why has our office seen 12,000 visits per year for the last 5 years? The key is building a successful relationship with our patients through TRUST . I have been mentored by two successful doctors, have read a plethora of books and listened to many audio CDs relating to successful people in all professions. I have found this single trait of trust, to be the precedence. There are several reasons how trust is built before the patient even enters the office. I will share the top four: In selecting a chiropractic office, most patients in our office are referred to us by a friend, family member, or co-worker who already is a patient. Other patients have commented on the professionalism of our website, FaceBook, Veri...