Building Trust at Euclid Chiropractic Clinic (REVISITED)

Here is post from last year.   With the large number of new patients recently, I have interviewed some of them for office quality control.  And, as I was hoping,  we getting similar answers. 

Here is the article (revisited):

Why has our office seen 12,000 visits per year for the last 5 years?  The key is building a successful relationship with our patients through  TRUST.

I have been mentored by two successful doctors, have read a plethora of books and listened to many audio CDs relating to successful people in all professions. I have found this single trait of trust, to be the precedence.

There are several reasons how trust is built before the patient even enters the office. I will share the top four:

In selecting a chiropractic office, most patients in our office are referred to us by a friend, family member, or co-worker who already is a patient. Other patients have commented on the professionalism of our website, FaceBook, Verizon Yellow Pages or Clarke that lead them to make an appointment with our office.

Once in our office, patients enjoy the personal attention from the staff, help in filling out their paperwork and understanding of their concerns. After several visits, most patients are greeted on a first name basis.

I and Dr. Weaver, build trust with each patient by sitting down and finding out their concerns, taking x-rays and returning for an mgenuine opinion of their diagnosis.

During a length of treatment, patients say they enjoy the friendliness that endures from doctors to staff. They enjoy the convenience of our office being open six days a week, having clear payment options and the availability of the doctors by phone.

Trust seems to be the initial step in building a relationship with patients, friends and family. Thank you for the many patients that helped write this post and many more to reinforce its belief.

For other information regarding our office, please contact us at:

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784
Dr. T's Blog


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