Euclid Chiropractic Weekly (4/16)

This week’s theme:           


“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”

– Hippocrate (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC)

Looking at these articles, beginning proper nutrition is eliminating the “bad foods” in your diet.

Start Eating Healthy (4/11)

The small changes you can make in the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats you presently eat to gain better nutrition.

Gluten-free Foods that Benefit All (4/13)

Gluten can cause a varying degrees of autoimmune, neurological disorders, and is associated with weight gain.  Also, a list of foods, etc. for people sensitive to gluten.

“I drank a diet soda everyday.  Then I found out this….” (Videos) (4/15)

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener with several synonyms and is the highest adverse reaction reported to the FDA.

The over 6,000  products containing aspartame when consumed is a neurotoxin, causes tumors in rat experiments, and leads to weight gain!

Switching to Stevia as a natural, no calorie sweetener is better choice, for example.

April J. understands Chiropractic and Euclid Chiropractic Clinic’s quality of service.  April  “Spreads the Word”:

Chiropractic believes removing interference to the nervous system allows patients to experience better health.

A good diet feeds your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.  Because the nervous system controls all function of the body, Chiropractic then allows full expression of health.

Treat your body well.

At Euclid Chiropractic Clinic, Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic offer complimentary nutritional counseling.

Let them help you experience better health.

Receive a Free Nutrition Consultation and Evaluation at

Euclid Chiropractic Clinic.


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