Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: January 2016

“The Upland Best Businesses Program is an annual program honoring those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.”–

The Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter gives patients an objective understanding of health concerns through current researched literature.

We hope these videos and articles motivate you to a healthier, balanced life.

Here are the Health Videos from January 2016 covering SCOLIOSIS:

Early Detection Before Surgery is Too Late Checking Children at 4-5 years old instead of the 12-14 years old recommended by medicine allows early detection.  Chiropractic screening helps prevent non-effective bracing and the risks of surgery.

The Chiropractic Scoliosis Exam This exam is more detailed covering  the front, back, side view and lying down.  This allows detection of scoliosis at earlier stages allowing chiropractic correction instead of surgery.

Scoliosis X-Ray Analysis of Riley at 6, 10, 12 years old. When a child presents with a positive scoliosis exam, x-rays are taken in-office and analyzed.  A mild scoliosis is correctable, through routine chiropractic care and exercises.

"For my Son's Scoliosis, I Trust Euclid Chiropractic." Euclid Chiropractic has been able to minimize Dylan's scoliosis for the last 4 years. Watch mom tell her story how she saved her son from surgery...

Parent's Guide to Scoliosis Surgery Prevention This is all the videos above that help you understand the chiropractor's approach to Scoliosis detection and correction without surgery or drugs.

Brave Patient Videos Testimonials-Thank you!

Olivia, "Migraine Headaches Gone; No More Head and Neck Injections."

Dylan (12 years old) tells us his Scoliosis Recovery

Frankie, "I Feel Young Again at Euclid Chiropractic."

Go to Euclid Chiropractic's You-Tube Channel to see other testimonials and health videos.

The Referral Basket Winner is...

Louie T.

We send a special Thank You to...

Craig M., Octavio M., Dionicio C., Santos S., Marcus G., Maurice M., Ken C., Victor D., Shatia C., Ruben D., Nancy H., Alex M., Danny M., Robin R., Ricardo L., Heather P., Dave C., Heather B., Jose D., Andrea U., Patty L., Lylybell A., Jose V., Antonio P., Brady G., Paul P., Carlos S., Joanna W., Ruben B., Frankie G., Michelle M., Daniel H., Greg S., Guy M., Jerry G., , Upland Athletics, Performance Fitness for Athletes (PFA), Massage Envy of Upland, Family Foot and Ankle Center., Law office of Andy Basseri, Law Office of Michael Martin, UPS employees, Mannheim employees, Iron Workers Union, San Antonio Hospital, Channell Family Medical Group, Hampton Medical Clinic, Costco employees, and others that referred their patients, friends and family to Euclid Chiropractic.

A personal referral is the Highest Compliment you can give us!

Tell others about your experience by leaving a review through our:

Our Social Media Page

Calendar of Events for January:

16th: The Gibson Center's Monthly Lecture - "Working on Gait and Balance: Part 2"

(909) 920-6719. 12:30-1:30pm

10th: In-office Health talk - "New Patient Workshop." Understanding the simple science of the nervous system's role in maintaining your body's health.

RSVP at 909-981-5666.  6:30-7:00PM

24th: In-office Health talk - "How Chiropractic works to improve gait and posture." Understanding  the nerve-muscle connection for balance, and specific exercises to improve balance and posture."

RSVP at 909-981-5666.  6:30-7:00PM

EC's Blog posts previous monthly newsletters that cover nutrition, exercise and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Do not keep us a secret

Your friend's health is just as important.

Spread The Word

Euclid Chiropractic

60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666
Contact Us

Note: Euclid Chiropractic is not permitted to share your personal information without your consent.


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