Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: August 2016


Our mission at Euclid Chiropractic is to allow patients to make a personal, individual decision about their health.

Dr. Weaver and Dr. Ratkovic believe Chiropractic promotes the full expression of health through proper nutrition, routine exercise, and maintaining an healthy nervous system.

Here are the educational videos and testimonials covered in August 2016:

Fix Hunchback Posture:Treatments and Exercise #1 

#1 Cause is slouched sitting.

The effects can be muscle, joint and nerve conditions.
Treatments and exercises help return and maintain good posture and health.

Watch Now

Veronica with X-ray Results

veronic picVeronica came in with severe migraine headaches that limited her ability to work everyday.

Now with treatments that corrected her spine, she is pain-free and back to work.

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Fix Hunchback Posture Anywhere-Exercise#2

My Movie copyIn our first video, we explain how to diagnose hunchback posture, different treatments and exercise #1.

This second exercise can be performed anywhere, even when wearing a tie (see video).

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Brandon Saved from Spine Surgery

IMG_3023Over 20 years working at UPS literally "broke his back."

After many weeks of Chiropractic care and exercises, let's see if he will be able to avoid surgery.

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Fix Hunchback Posture Anywhere-Exercise #3

My Movie#3 exercise is a stretch that can be perform in your office or home.

Using a simple pillow, you can relax the back that also relieves neck and low back pain.

Watch Now

Stenosis and Neuropathies Almost Gone! -Marian

Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 11.30.29 AMSTENOSIS can be observed on spinal imaging. This can cause NEUROPATHIES that can be disabling.

Marian had this condition. Her medical doctor approached her with pain management drug treatment that could progress to surgery.

Can Chiropractic help reduced and correct this condition?
Listen to Marian's story...  Watch Now

Stenosis and Neuropathy Recovery - How Chiropractic Helps

Stenosis and Neuropathy RecoveryStenosis can cause nerve conditions that have been traditionally treated with drugs and surgery.

It is scientifically proven a specific Chiropractic treatment can reduced and resolve stenosis and its effects.

Learn how through this video.  Watch Now

Calendar of Events:

dc5b14a759bf6e485bd90f32cd3c8b78Solutions for Leg Neuropathy and Restless Leg Syndrome

Location: Gibson Senior Center  250 N 3rd Ave, Upland, CA 91786

RSVP optional:  909-981-4581


Referral Basket Winner is...                                          Arthur G.

A personal referral is the Highest Compliment you can give us!

Help others experience our office by your feedback on:



Go to Our YouTube Channel shows the current and past wellness videos and testimonials.

Do not keep us a secret.

Your friend's health is just as important.

Spread The Word

Euclid Chiropractic
60 E. Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91784

(909) 981-5666


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