Euclid Chiropractic Newsletter: December 2017

For our newsletter consistent readers , we hope the videos and articles keep you motivated to stay healthy. For our new readers , we educate our patients that want to learn why and how to start and keep healthy habits. Here are the articles, testimonials, talks covered in November 2017 : Posture Exercises Low Back Roll Exercise for Pain Relief and Improved Posture This stretch loosens the lower back as you relax lying down. Then the muscles relax allowing a deeper ligament stretch of the spine. The Modified Chair Squat Exercise to Build Back Strength Looking to improve your back strength? Here is a great exercise to also help your posture. Short Highlights Child/Teenage Stress: Myth-Medication is the First Option. Short Clip. Norina Murphy, MSW, LCSW explains the myth that seeing a psychiatrist requires taking medication. Spinal Motion keep You Healthy, Resolves Neuropathy. Clip This is how chirop...